Welcome back to Part 2 of The Bride’s House of Waxing Intellectual. Where we continue our analysis of the Amityville Horror. Part 2 explores the cultural context of the book, the 1979 movie and movie review.
A big thank-you goes out to Joey Gruszecki for editing and production, Rob Gruszecki for composing the theme song and Alex Lueng for photography.
A list of research references:
“The Amityville Horror”, Jay Anson, 1977
“Mentally Ill in Amityville: Murder, Mystery & Mayhem at 112 Ocean Avenue”, Will Savive, 2009
“Danse Macabre”, Stephen King, 1981, p. 163-170.
“The Monster Guide to Horror Movies”, Tim Daugherty, 2009
“Paperbacks From Hell”, Grady Hendrix, 2017.
“Film Theory and Criticism”, Gerald Mast, 1974.
“Thrill Me- Essay’s On Fiction”, Benjamin Percy, 2016.
“Video Dungeon”, Kim Newman, 2017.
“Amityville:The Horror Of It All”, Joe Nickel, Skeptical Inquirer, vol. 27 No. 1, Jan/Feb 2003.
“Making of The Amityville Horror”-youtube
“58B. The Sickened Economy”- ushistory.org
Wikipedia 2005 Amityville
“My Amityville”, directed by Eric Walter, 2013.
“The Amityville Horror”, directed by Stuart Rosenberg, 1979.
“The Amityville Horror”, directed by Andrew Douglas, 2005.

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