Month: June 2013

Bride of the Creature – Episode 16: They Live (1988)

Welcome back to the Bride of the Creature Podcast!

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We are here for TWO reasons. Casting pods, and chewing bubblegum… and we’re all out of bubblegum. Get ready to hear that joke a couple more times as Joey and Nicole watch John Carpenter’s 1988 classic “They Live”.

Plus, Would You Rather and The Following Is Based on a True Story!

Next week it’s time to get ready to rrrrrrrumble as it’s the second ever VERSUS podcast! We’ll be watching both the 1963 and 1999 versions of the Haunting and choosing which emerges the victor.

Send us email! [email protected]

Follow us on twitter! Geek StampedeNicole GruszeckiJoey GruszeckiBride of the Creature Podcast


New episodes air every tuesday at Geek Stampede.

Bride of the Creature – Episode 15: Last House on the Left (1972)

Welcome back to the Bride of the Creature Podcast!

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Grindhouse time! Joey and Nicole watch the 1972 rape-revenge classic, and Wes Craven’s directorial debut, The Last House on the Left. WARNING: There is about 2 and a half minutes of bad audio right after the trailer. Not sure what happened, but it never gets too bad and it goes away fairly quickly. Sorry everyone.

Plus, Would You Rather and The Following Is Based on a True Story!
Next week we’re here for two reasons: chewing bubblegum and kicking some ass… and we’re all out of bubblegum. We’re watching John Carpenter’s 1988 “Rowdy” Roddy Piper vehicle: “They Live”

Send us email! [email protected]

Follow us on twitter! Geek StampedeNicole GruszeckiJoey GruszeckiBride of the Creature Podcast


New episodes air every tuesday at Geek Stampede.

Bride of the Creature – Episode 14: Splice (2009)

Welcome back to the Bride of the Creature Podcast!

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Get ready to feel ICKY! Joey and Nicole discuss Vincenzo Natali’s 2009 sci-fi horror film “Splice”. Apparently they didn’t watch the same thing though…


Plus, Would You Rather and The Following Is Based on a True Story!

Next week we’re gettin’ gritty and dirty with Wes Craven’s directorial debut, the 1972 exploitation rape-revenge horror “The Last House on the Left”

Send us email! [email protected]

Follow us on twitter! Geek StampedeNicole GruszeckiJoey GruszeckiBride of the Creature Podcast


New episodes air every tuesday at Geek Stampede.

Bride of the Creature – Episode 13: Frankenstein (1931)

Welcome back to the Bride of the Creature Podcast!

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It’s Alive! It’s Alive It’s Alive etc etc. Frankenstein is the movie. I think that is obvious. There are a few jokes that could be considered insensitive to mentally handicapped people in this episode so if you’re particularly sensitive to that kind of thing listen at your own risk. It’s mostly just Joey doing the “I am Sam” voice.
Plus, Would You Rather and The Following Is Based on a True Story!

Next week we’re watching the controversial 2009 sci-fi horror Splice directed by Vincenzo Natali

Send us email! [email protected]

Follow us on twitter! Geek StampedeNicole GruszeckiJoey GruszeckiBride of the Creature Podcast


New episodes air every tuesday at Geek Stampede.